Informal Letter
Dear Yanet,
Sorry it's taken me so long to write,but as you know I've been doing classes of yoga at the gym and I've had to take the last tests and make registrations to the new students who want to go in to the gym,therefore I have to work overtime.In fact,I finished last Friday,so in the evening I went with some friends to celebrate by going to a "Fonda".It is like a store where people go to dance "Cueca",a traditional Chilean dance and eat the typical food like pasties and drinks like "Chicha". Also,in this traditional festival people go with all their family to play some typical games as:"El palo encebado","El emboque"or "La Rayuela".Every september 18 we conmmorate the Chile's birthday.Therefore,It is the most important celebration in our country.
I went with my friends to a fonda called Iorana situated in Parque O 'higgins.A park where every year let to the people to establish their stores or tents.The cheaper store was it.Thedifference of prices between them was high.We danced all the night and knew new people.
Unfortunately,I couldn't get to my house early to celebrate with my family because there were not buses at that time.Spite this,I celebrate with them next day and we had a good time.
Well,that's all from me .Let me know what you've doing recently.
All the best