Living in the city or in the countrysideLiving in the city or living in the countryside is a good topic of discussion, you are always thinking what is the best place to live considering many elements to choose one.Although,you have to have in mind that both have some advantages and disavantages.For example,"The Neigbours".When you live in the city you have neighbours around your house they know all your life,you make a link with them,but in some cases it is not so good, because you don't have your own privacity.But, when you live in the countryside you don't have a neighbour next to your house they live far from you in another plot,so you have a little more of privacity.
On the one hand,we have the city life which is more comfortable, because the technology and electricity helped to make the people'life easier.In your house you have all the necessary to live without make a hard effort,instead in some cases in the countryside, people don't have electrity and naturally they don't have the oportunity to use some domestic appliance to facilitate their lives.Another important point,is that children can get a better education,because there are more and better schools than in the country.In the country there is only one and children have to walk many streets to get there.But not all is so good, the noises of the buses are awful and the people are all the time angry and stressed out because of work overload.
On the other hand,we have the countryside life which is beautiful.You can see that people try to protect their costumes,a life more peaceful,without stress and harmful elements to the people.For this reason,people is more friendly and greet you without know you.All the peolpe is smiling and you feel another environment.But a negative side,is that people have to travel to the city for supply their needs,for example,to go to the hospital they have to get a bus that take at least two hours to arrive to the village.
Despite, the life in the city is more comfortable because you have more access to the technolgy, in the countryside you live outdoors without pollution and noises like the buses,you are in touch with the nature and breathe fresh air.