This report is written to analyse the possibility to have in our university a special room for the students when they are not in class ,like a meeting between them to talk,study and a comfortable place to wait when they have a break and don't know where to go.
The most conving arguments in favour of this idea are the following:
The necessity of all the students to have a place where they can rest when they have long breaks and need a comfortable and appropiate place to do this.
On the other hand,there isn't a great place in the university where could be all of them.The canteen is so small,the students have to wait at least one hour to have lunch or find a table to study and other places as the library, you can't eat and you have to remain silent.Thus these are not a good place to satisfy the necessities of them.
I would recomend a room near the yard because there you can enyoy freely with out be worried if you make noise or bother to someone.It's necessary to implement the room with atractive things for the students as a television,a radio, and some armchairs.
There is not doubt that if we are listened and the director accept this proposal,we will have students more engaged and satisfied with the university and the service that it give them.
38 half moon window treatments
3 years ago